"The Northwind and the Sun" in Obrenje ************************************** 2002 by Christian Thalmann English Source Text: The north wind and the sun were disputing which was the stronger, when a traveller came along wrapped in a warm cloak. They agreed that the one who first succeeded in making the traveller take his cloak off should be considered stronger than the other. Then the north wind blew as hard as he could, but the more he blew the more closely did the traveller fold his cloak around him; and at last the north wind gave up the attempt. Then the sun shone out warmly, and immediately the traveller took off his cloak. And so the north wind was obliged to confess that the sun was the stronger of the two. Obrenje Translation: Ne kyvuq pelev soxal a bolan u tse mo ve u tare goj. Tjeze mivvu joraj luntse u dowma mulle. Lenjannu cone u tse tare goj o kotit entee endam u chema i joraje u prinde u em dowam. Lom fucu pelev soxal gy nice em goja, joq bonce goju fucow, ti vunce dasmu ne lud joraje i dowam. Dri dranje, prilevaw. Tjeze kurnu bolan i joraje, a lom pryd ne joraje u em dowam. Lom cindae tucu u tse mo bolan u tare goj sow cone. Interlinear: Phonetic transliteration uses X-SAMPA conventions plus /#/ for the voiceless schwa /@_0/. Ne kyvuq pelev soxal a bolan u /n@ ky"vMN p@"lEv sO"al a bO"lan M/ RFL:OBJ dispute:PST:LIQ:3e wind:d north and sun:d PRE tse mo ve u tare goj. Tjeze mivvu /tS# mO vE M ta:r gOj "tje:Z "mivvM TSE be:3e who? PRE more:d mighty then arrive:PST:3e joraj luntse u dowma mulle. Lenjannu /jO"raj "lMntSM "dowma "mMll@ l@n"jannM wanderer wrap:PST:PSV:PTC PRE coat warm decide:PST:3e cone u tse tare goj o kotit entee /"ho:nM tS# ta:r gOj O kO"tit @n"te: two:d PRE TSE more:d mighty OPT have:FUT:PSV:3e first:d endam u chema i joraje u prinde /@n"dam M "he:ma i jO"ra:j M "prindM succeed:PTC PRE cause:GND OBJ wanderer:d PRE remove:PTC u em dowam. /Mn dO"wam/ PRE POS:3 coat:d Lom fucu pelev soxal gy nice em goja, /lOm "fu:hM p@"lEv sO"al gy ni:s @m "go:ja/ consequently blow:PST:3e wind:d north INS whole:d POS:3 power joq bonce goju fucow, ti vunce dasmu /jON "bOns# "go:jM fM"how ti "vMns# "dasmM/ but how_much:REL strongly blow:PST:3i this how_much closely ne lud joraje i dowam. Dri dranje, /n@ lMd jO"ra:j i dO"wam dri "dranj@/ RFL:OBJ wrap:PST:3e wanderer:d OBJ coat:d after long prilevaw. /prilE"vaw/ CES:try:PST:3i Tjeze kurnu bolan i joraje, a lom /tje:Z "kMrnM bO"lan i jO"ra:j a lOm/ Then radiate:PST:3e sun:d OBJ wanderer:d and consequently pryd ne joraje u em dowam. /pryd n@ jO"ra:j Mn dO"wam/ remove:PST:3e RFL:OBJ wanderer:d PRE POS:3 coat:d Lom cindae tucu u tse mo bolan /lOm sin"da: "tuhM M tS# mO bO"lan/ Consequently agree:GND must:PST:3i PRE TSE be:3e sun:d u tare goj sow cone. /M ta:r gOj sow "ho:n/ PRE more:d strong among two:d 2002 by Christian Thalmann